Built with Next.js and Atomic CSS-in-JS. Technical wrting and random thoughts
Find out your IP address, local DNS setup, Netowork connectivity, CDN availability, and more
My Lab for proof of concepts and experimenting web technologies
Collect debug information of your IP, DNS, Browser, Network connection, etc.
Visualization of player-created monsters from an online text RPG game
Render a lightweight Disqus comments list from Disqus RESTful API
Get geolocation information of IP Address in stdout/stderr without leaving your terminal
An extremely light weight, asynchronous Google Analytics implementation built on top of Cloudflare
An unofficial implementation of Vercel DNS dashboard, built with Next.js & SWR
Use SWC with Rollup to transform ESNext/TypeScript code
Promise Performance Benchmark
My development environment and configuration
Modern, powerful and simple theme for Hexo
A Hexo theme designed for documentations
An oh-my-zsh plugin to manually configure proxy envrioment variables
An oh-my-zsh plugin to configure proxy based on macOS's system preferences automatically
Install macOS on Lenovo Legion Y9000X 2020
Install macOS on Lenovo ThinkPad E480